Friday, December 31, 2010

New year, new you X)

TCH. yea right. today is already the 31st of dec && you know what that means? XD COUNTDOWN TO DEEE NEW YEARRR!! :D i reallly really desperately wanna go camp out & count my night away. parents however would definitely never agree. :O oh well, new year's coming && guess this also marks my last days in dA. though, i think i'm gonna miss everyone in that crazy ol' place. ntg like working && experiencing whatever you've never experienced before. haha. i'll be missing mdm. Moy with her eyes that seem its gonna pop out anytime soon, mdm tan. with her seemingly atrocious clothes (JFL), menaga with her " aiyooo, Kadavalei" (if that's how you spell it...kak joyce, who might kill you with her cuteness (IDKW) , Jeya&& shubha who are best of buds, even if it means being in the toilet together, yana, with her seriousness i can't comprehend, siew hui, the cute, sarcastic one...xiao yan, the fast talker. gets the job done. haha X) jacklyn, the 'last call person' && the most spontaneous aunty i've known. && not forgetting, the new people daris && darshiney, fast learners. i swear i weren't as fast as they were when i first came in. :D i know i might have lost out a few names here.,, but all the memories with you guys i'll still remember. thanks for leaving footprints behind. i'll be needing it (:  working in dA has taught me alot. from being bold to being nice all at the same time. && i can feel my confidence level building up as i go. so it's a start to everything in the future, tho I MIGHT see you guys, but ntg will ever be the same as before. now, would it? (: This is getting a lil touchayy X) Thanks you guys..THANKS FOR EVERYTHING <3

me cuteeeeeeeeee comp :D

Menagaaaa X)

well not really the whole dA team but some of them (:

The rest is still unwritten (: