Monday, February 28, 2011


yes. as a teammate, as a student, as a debater. && yea. practically evrything at all. I sound modest you say? i wish. but its ntg but the truth. after debate competition today, my perception of debate, was like WOW. its only obvious we didn't win, but we lost bad. i should add. wait. of have we? i mean yea sure, we did our best, i knew my fwens did. but me? i dont wanna be too sure bout that. opposition was the bomb. they were strong, aggressive, a taddd weee bit abrasive if you ask me. they have the 'oh i'm nice && sweet' face. oh sure, yea they do. but during the debate, they were no fooling around type. basically from 'i'm nice && sweet' to 'you want a piece of me'? && "oh-so-gentle" to TIGRESSES OF THE that kinda saw me making the biggest mistake of my life. not to mention making a fool out of myself. i'm gonna wanna leave the 'making a fool out of myself' part for when you ask me in person. XD hah. but after it was all finished, we still, somehow, idk how, smile. well i did. ALOT. my teeth was at evryones faces. X) ugh. lol/ but it was a good try. i guesss. there's always a beginning to evrything in life. && i guess, this is where learning comes in. i don't wanna blame anyone for not having to train us, or giving us the moral support that we solely needed, but i kinda felt that we should be trained from the beginning. sadly, we weren't. && sooo, like i said. still noone is to be blamed for our loss. we just gotta fight harder the next time. winning && losing is part && parcel of life. if we don't lose someday, we won't be able to strive harder for the next time round. gee. i sound familiar. dad? hahha. may be. X) && for that point of time, watching them in awe, i kinda secretly told myself, to read more. my english then was ATROCIOUS, evn I couldn't understand myself. i practically made no sense whatsoever. i officially hate me now. =(

time doesnt permit me blogging right now. should be taking a longgg warm shower . && studying. who cares if we lose. we did it together, win or lose, we always have a next time to look forward to. right guys? (: RIGHT. <3 thanks for being still there for me tru all my flaws && undeniably 'lame at times' nature. looking forward to a next debate competition with you guys again. <3

Veronica sigining off with no regrets. i hope so. X)

 The rest is still unwritten (:
