Thursday, May 26, 2011

I.Type. Random. (Y)

Like i've been staring in front of this screen, (well of cos i am), swapping tabs every now && then finding just the right thing to type about. gosh. letting my feelings out isnt an easy task after all. TTEEEHEE. so i know i havent been blogging, but like you wouldnt care. ha. had examz for 3weeks in a row. #likehowisthatpossible??? YOU ASK ME? hahah. go figure. life of a form 4 kid, who's in a dire need to get everything balanced out. school, fwens, mountains of homework, && yeda yeda. Took up Taekwondo, if you didnt know. haha. it was suppose to be a mum && daughter thing until mum had a real bad sprain or somthing on her ankle. but she's geeting better in time. (: now i'm a poor lone ranger over there. in solitude. the T master's pretty funneh. && i'll always find myself laughing at evrything he says, well i mean thats wht you do when you hear something that cracks you up rightt?? sheesh. people nowadays just do not have a good sense of humour. what does it take for them to laugh && let loose a lil? MAN, like chill already, brahh. the world's not gonna end tomorrow. smile a lil' && make someone's day. && when i do smile or laugh or rolloverlaughing, i'll look like some kind of freak. cus i can't help not smilling, which is also a bad thing. kids in taekwondo will stare like i'm somekind of alien from some imaginary closet. like NARNIA. ftw. X) this calls for a smiling class, naw dont you think? X)

so exams pretty much sums up my life. not that i have a life after PMR. haha. i'll be a lil optimistic for your sake aight? X)) i have a schedule trip with my family this fri. which i'm soooooooooooo psyched about. heeee. finally. a time OUT. I failed Addmath. waht could go worse? way to ruin the fam. trip!! HOORAHH!. okay. optimistic. optimistic.. having examz && all that gave me some extra time to think about stuufss, ha, see something good that COMES with the BAD. i look past the negative. i'm getting better. X) it made me rethink about life. && whatever that life throws at me. my pal kimmy, has been a real stepping stone for me. i owe it all to her && some of my other peeps for being thr for me. not all the time. but. heh. times when i really needed you guys. i wish i could tag. but blogspot here is no facebook. X) rethink about the GOOD part in life. i realise that being sad or unhappy or mad isnt gonna change anything in life. all i gotta do is just stay calm && grow a mustache. great. i'm quoting Tumblr now. (Y).

count my blessings, that's wht i'm gonna do. i'm just gonna let what happens, happen. be it a good thing or bad. i'm all set. (: i figured, being a teen isnt at all easy. we have only 7 years of being one. less than a decade. why waste all that? being an adult comes many , && believe my MANY responsibilities. oh HELL no. i aint ready. hahha. so who am i to judge? i'm not an adult. i DONT want to be.

veron signing off with peace. peace out y'all <3

The rest is still unwritten (: