Saturday, January 21, 2017

Chill lah !

"Chill lah!"- a close friend of mine so nonchalantly uttered as I was at my wits end complaining, worrying and overthinking about something that has since been forgotten.

I laughed. Not knowing what to say. Honestly, that's the last thing you want to say to a girl who's middle name is 'no chill'.

But I thought about it for a while and it kinda made sense. To just 'chill'. I weighed the options which included meditating, breathing exercises, sleep or getting madder. 'Chilling' seemed fine then. 

I took a little lesson from that day, to allow myself to just be. To let things be. To allow it to exist without wanting to manipulate it to go my way because sometimes, things won't, and I should just get used to that. 

It's both comforting and liberating to allow things to take it's own course. And even if it doesn't sometimes, I just needed to accept the situation. Accept it as God's divine plan over my life. I may not be able to see the whole picture yet, but I'm positive He knows what He's doing. WAAAYY better than I do. 

So honestly, come to think of it, chilling isn't so bad afterall. Everytime when you find yourself worrying a little too much, tell yourself to just - 'Chill Lah' ;) 
