Friday, January 28, 2011

Forget you. =P

Who cares if you disagree? you are not me. who died && made you king of anything? =P totally expresses my mood right now. hahah. school hasn't been a real pal these days. Life of a 16 year old basically revolves around the worst things you can ever concoct . pfft. like that can get any worst. well i think it actually did. got detention && had to stay out of class for about a period && a half of BM. I mean i totally do not blame the teacher for doing that, it IS my fault for not bringing my books. wait. correction, book. && we had to stay out of class . as embarrassing as it seems haha i took it as the biggest challenge, not to brag, but i manage a smile. hahah. i guess its cus a few of us were out there, && i wasn't the only one. teeheee. X) but it takes great courage to fake even a smirk rite? totally. but it was an experience to remember to ALWAYS. ALWAYS. bring my books. && listen to each && every word that the teacher professes. =O what a job. Got selected to join the debating team. guessed the teacher must have read my mind or something. as easy && fun as it sounds, i'm dead afraid of the outcome && i dont think i did any preparations yet. still dont get the gist of it. nuuuuuuu. to top it all up. now its the CNY holidays again, && 22Feb will be the competition. booo. ="( speaking of which, parents say i'm good at this. i answer back ALOT. heeeee. sorry mum&&dad. well at least it helps me in a way or two. X)

NEXT! well, lookie heree,,,maybe i don't really know you that well after all. all this while i thought i did. but i didn't. sad huh. yea. XD waiting for a guy to waltz in my life is a waste of time. flirting with the randomest ppl is good. haha. statistics say so. so go on out there. && flirt your way to the top. lol. && by that i don't mean you have to do it over the hedge-ly. minimal goes a long wayyy ;D *winks*

veron signing of with a lil' tee wee bit of hope that CNY will be promising. i can smell it already! :D

The rest is still unwritten (: