Blogging makes me feel sooooo light. i mean, i'll be a burden less when i blog. it's like water. yenno, that flows when i type. whatever comes in mind, i'd be in fonts. haha. but before that, to avoid 18sx stuffs from yenno...yea. i skim tru them. heee. smart huh. iknowwwwwwright. so yea. talking about politics, as much as i try to not get there, when i'm blogging. i just had to. i mean its fun. so yea. politics occurs everywhere, cept btw animals. can't imagine Puffy && Oreo getting in trouble with politics. heee. school. ahhhh... schoool. the mother of all politics. after the country's && office ones of course. XD i can't think of any thats happening in school now. but we have this teacher who teaches us math. i mean shes okaayyy, other than the fact that she talks realllyyy reallllllyyy soft, && that shes not married, which in turn explains why she's always moody.sometimes. && a few other 'oop'-sies. other than that, shes okay in my books. the only thing i keep asking myself is , how can a teacher, who's disliked my many, be ohsofunny? OHITRHYMES. i'm good at this huh. :D no. i'm serious. shes good at jokes. wait. has she been pulling jokes or what? maybe she's just born funny. gahaha. well, at least i have something to loook forward to evryday. her eyes are always forced open to the max. so it's funny. ithinkilikeher. hahahahahaha. oh well, adios,. (:
veron signing off in a hope that she'll be more hardworking. :D
the rest is still unwritten (:
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