Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tough luck. =|

Lets just say...Life hasn't been a pal lately. why? try explaining 3 blows in a WEEK! make that 4. can life be any worse? life would definitely rule in my books if it'd throw lemons at me one at a time. && well, maybe sometimes cut the lemons part. spare me some. the way life's been throwing lemons at me, i think i can manage a lemon juice fountain. sheesh. what ARE the blows you ask? well first. it was not pawning Choral speaking for starters. && that was on a tuesday. fine, fair enough. veronica can take that. tooootaaallyy. && next. comes wednesday, yea. you knew that. what happened was, Cookie died. wait. did i mention before in my blog that cookie's the new guinea pig we added into the family few weeks ago? weelll, maybe almost a month. i doubt that somehow. yea. she passed on. F.T.W. why does evyone i LOVE gotta die??????? what the helll??? who's next? taylor lautner? GAHHHHH. somehow, i knew someone cast a spell on me somewhere last month. i just KNEW IT!. gahh. By the looks of it, i think cookie died of some cancer. URI or somthing they call the disease. The skin on her right ear was basically peeling for quite a number of weeks. i think. we dint thought it'd lead to more complications like her not eating, defaecated with blood, totally restless && some other problems as well. went to school on that fateful Wednesday morn. dad brought her to the vet && she died on the way. dramatic no? just like something you can get right out of dramas. chinese ones. ohh FRAHH. && right after school. WHAM! the news from my dad. && boy, he was subtle. he went like "girl, something happened" && the inside of me burned. i knew then, it had to be about cookie. A FAILED OWNER I AM. now i'm left with my trusty ol' puffy. && hey. oneee lasssttt blow. wanna know? it was foe english week. it was on the same damn day cookie died. we practice like never before. we wanted to at least PAWN this thing. && wht happens? we dint. && whats worst, we got screwed basically by a hatedbyallofthestudentbodies's teacher. she HAD to go && ruin our day, it kinda cost us our reputation. but oh well, let by gones be by gones. && sides, we did it together && for the fun of doing it. we had fun. && fun was what we were there for. so yea. i'm done. REST IN PEACE LIL' PAL. (: i'm sorry i wasn't a good owner. cheers for a cute lil' thing you are. <3

veron signing off for lesser lemons ahead.

the rest is still unwritten (: